Two stage Type Directional and Flow Control Valves ELDFG-04, ELDFG-06
High response, high precision and high reliability ELDFHG-04/06 are achieved be a combination of a compact and powerful solenoid and a spool-position-detection LVDT.
This product can be interchanged with the simpliffied servo valve to perform position control and pressure control.
Compared to nozzle flapper type servo valve, this product has excellent contamination-related problems.
- max. flow 280L/min., max. pressure 350Bar (ELDFHG-04) - Cetop 7
- max. flow (350) 500L/min., max. pressure (315)350Bar (ELDFHG-06) - Cetop 8
- spool position detection LVDT
- step response 0↔100% - 13ms (ELDFHG-03), 15(18)ms (ELDFHG-06)
More information in attached catalogue.