The original ECKERLE Internal Gear Pump, Type EIPS2-16 144 is the exchangeable internal gear pump for use in the Unimog and in the MB Truck.The permissible permanent pressure provides with 230 bar more pressure than the original pumps. This means further power reserves for your vehicle.The ECKERLE EIPS2-16 144 pump is only available as 16 cm³/U. The replacement of the 13 cm³/U pumps with the 16 cm³/U pump is generally unproblematic. The counterclock-wise rotating pump has the item reference number . . ...644
- geometric displacement 16cm3/rev
- operating pressure 230Bar (peak pressure 275Bar)
- rated rpm 600 - 3600rev./min
- opearating viscozity 10-300mm2/s
- operation temperature -20+100°C
- mass approx. 4,5kg
More information will find in catalogue bellow.